ich habe mich nochmal bei Nina (DCO) rückversichert:
Bestellen können nur Mitglieder des TFE.
Und der Prozess ist so ausgelegt, dass jeder einzeln über den Link seine Bestellung aufgibt, bei Angabe von
International (Group Shipping)
und Angabe meines Namens bei
Group Order Member who will be receiving the group patches (first and last name)
werden die Versandkosten für alle Beteiligten umgelegt. Die sehen übrigens so aus:
International, Canada
All shipments include tracking sent to email provided in the form. I will either offer Simple Export Rate (please request insurance in the form notes, but know that I will need to declare the entire value on customs form) or you can stick with the regular direct shipping for the higher cost. Simple Export goes to a distribution center first for bulk shipments, direct shipping goes to you directly and costs more.
If you are doing an international group order, each person needs to order their coins individually. One person in the group is chosen to be the recipient of the coins and the one who pays the single shipping cost. All group order members MUST put the name of the recipient who is paying for shipping in the notes.
Up to 8 oz
Simple Export Rate $10.50
Direct Shipping $17.30
8.1 oz to 23.5 oz
Simple Export Rate $17.85
Direct Shipping $19.05
Group Orders with receive individual invoices for the coins and then split shipping invoices once items arrive and I can get a total weight.
International, Rest of World
All shipments include tracking sent to email provided in the form. I will either offer Simple Export Rate (please request insurance in the form notes, but know that I will need to declare the entire value on customs form) or you can stick with the regular direct shipping for the higher cost. Simple Export goes to a distribution center first for bulk shipments, direct shipping goes to you directly and costs more.
If you are doing an international group order, each person needs to order their coins individually. One person in the group is chosen to be the recipient of the coins and the one who pays the single shipping cost. All group order members MUST put the name of the recipient who is paying for shipping in the notes.
Up to 16 oz
Simple Export Rate $17.85
Direct Shipping $29.75
16.1 oz to 23.5 oz
Simple Export Rate $22.00
Direct Shipping $29.75
ich habe mich nochmal bei Nina (DCO) rückversichert:
Bestellen können nur Mitglieder des TFE.
Und der Prozess ist so ausgelegt, dass jeder einzeln über den Link seine Bestellung aufgibt, bei Angabe von
International (Group Shipping)
und Angabe meines Namens bei
Group Order Member who will be receiving the group patches (first and last name)
werden die Versandkosten für alle Beteiligten umgelegt. Die sehen übrigens so aus:
International, Canada
All shipments include tracking sent to email provided in the form. I will either offer Simple Export Rate (please request insurance in the form notes, but know that I will need to declare the entire value on customs form) or you can stick with the regular direct shipping for the higher cost. Simple Export goes to a distribution center first for bulk shipments, direct shipping goes to you directly and costs more.
If you are doing an international group order, each person needs to order their coins individually. One person in the group is chosen to be the recipient of the coins and the one who pays the single shipping cost. All group order members MUST put the name of the recipient who is paying for shipping in the notes.
Up to 8 oz
Simple Export Rate $10.50
Direct Shipping $17.30
8.1 oz to 23.5 oz
Simple Export Rate $17.85
Direct Shipping $19.05
Group Orders with receive individual invoices for the coins and then split shipping invoices once items arrive and I can get a total weight.
International, Rest of World
All shipments include tracking sent to email provided in the form. I will either offer Simple Export Rate (please request insurance in the form notes, but know that I will need to declare the entire value on customs form) or you can stick with the regular direct shipping for the higher cost. Simple Export goes to a distribution center first for bulk shipments, direct shipping goes to you directly and costs more.
If you are doing an international group order, each person needs to order their coins individually. One person in the group is chosen to be the recipient of the coins and the one who pays the single shipping cost. All group order members MUST put the name of the recipient who is paying for shipping in the notes.
Up to 16 oz
Simple Export Rate $17.85
Direct Shipping $29.75
16.1 oz to 23.5 oz
Simple Export Rate $22.00
Direct Shipping $29.75